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  • 橋本道範編『自然・生業・自然観』(小さ子社、2022年)が刊行されました。




 人文科学部総合歴史学科の授業「吉備地方文化特論3」を担当する橋本道範氏(非常勤講師。滋賀県立琵琶湖博物館専門学芸員)の編集による『自然・生業・自然観 琵琶湖の地域環境史』が小さ子社から刊行されました。






 The book, "Nature, Livelihood and Natural Recognition :  The Nature History of Region around Lake Biwako" has been published by Chi'isagosha press, edited by HASHIMOTO Michinori, a part-time lecturer at the Department of General History, Faculty of Humanities, Shujitsu University, and an expert curator at the Lake Biwako Museum, Shiga Prefecture, who will teach the class, "Special Lecture on Kibi Region Culture 3".

 The book focuses on the Lake Biwako region and has contributions of papers from researchers in eight fields across the humanities and sciences. KARIKOME Hitoshi, a professor at the Department of General History, also contributed a paper, "On Medieval Fishing in the Lake Biwako and Yodo River System”. 

 The class, "Special Lecture on Kibi Region Culture 3" will focused on the environment and history by comparing of the two regions, around Lake Biwako and Kibi (Okayama prefecture).  The book, "Nature, Livelihood and Natural Recognition :  The Nature History of Region around Lake Biwako" will be distributed to the university library ; we encourage students of the class to read the book in advance.