



2021年3月、吉備地方文化研究所より『吉備地方中世古文書集成(三) 備前本蓮寺文書』を刊行しました。瀬戸内市牛窓の本蓮寺に原蔵されていた中世古文書(岡山県立博物館寄託。県指定重要文化財)の写真と翻刻(活字)および解説を掲載しています。




In March, 2021, we, Kibi region reserach institute for humanities, have published "The collection of medieval documents in Kibi region Ⅲ, the documents of Honrenji temple" (originally possessed by Honrenji temple in Ushimado area of Setouchi city and now entrusted to Okayama prefecture museum. An important culutural asset designated by Okayama prefecture),  which provides the photographs of handwritten documents, those processsed type characters and explanation on the documents. 

The documents show us the medieval history of  the east Bizen province conversantly.

The copies will be distributed to libraries of Japanese universities and public libraries in Okayama prefecture.