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吉備地方文化研究所 特別講演会を開催しました!


吉備地方文化研究所 特別講演会を開催しました!

 2021年7月24日(土)1300より、Google meet を利用して特別講演会が開催されました。講師は元興寺文化財研究所の服部光真氏、演題は「『元興寺庶民信仰資料』と中世史料学」でした。





 We, Institute of study on Kibi region culture for Humanities, have held a special lecture, “Historical Materials relating to the beliefs of common people held in Gangohji-temple and Historiography on Medieval Japan” from 13:00 on 24th, July, 2021 (used the system of Google meet). The lecturer was HATTORI Mitsumasa, a researcher at Institute of Study on Cultural Heritages of Gangohji-temple.

 At first, the lecturer briefly introduced Gangohji-temple and its historical artifacts. The latter includes many historical materials relating to the beliefs of common people, and they have been published and introduced to a large number of researchers. However, they have been recognized as Japanese-folkloric or Buddism-archaeological materials rather than historical one because they were named “Materials on  the beliefs of common people” and includes many textual data written or engraved on non-paper materials (woods, stones, metals and so on).

 The lecturer reviewed the existing situation like above and pointed out the possibilities that we can clarify the religious world of common people in medieval Japan by means of comparing and contrasting archaeological materials and documentary data.

 We can understand the future of study on historiography of medieval Japan and we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the lecturer.